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Brian Maierhofer
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The average man lives a shallow, uninspired, and depressing life. They want to change, but inevitably fall into their old ways. A thread on permanent change: # “Reclaim Your Mind” - What am I willing to die for? - What am I willing to kill for? # “Master the 24-hour habit.” # “Rewind Your Mind” # “Be a Bouncer” # “Heal your Trauma” # “Harness your Gifts.” # “Lay Bricks” # “Be of service” # Your ideal life is revealed when you become your ideal self. Your life is a mirror of who you are internally. # Build [Relationships] with those that are becoming their best selves, learn to write, learn to truly love, learn the language of your [Soul], and learn the practice of happiness... I think "[Ruthless Learning]" is the theme here; stay curious and stay a student. {tags: People}
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