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[Ananda] : When Does the Soul Enter the [Body]? * This basic question of life is addressed in entry #177: * It is a common belief these days that until a child is actually born, it is not yet a consciously developing human being. This belief is fallacious. * “When does the soul enter the body?” someone asked the Master. * “At the moment of conception,” he replied. “When the sperm and ovum unite, there is a flash of light in the astral world. Souls there that are ready to be reborn, if their vibration matches that of the flash of light, rush to get in. Sometimes two or more get in at the same time, and the woman has twins, triplets, or even – well! * “It is important, therefore, to come together physically with an uplifted consciousness. That flash generated in the astral world reflects the couple’s state of consciousness, especially as they felt during the moment of physical union.” * Conversations with Yogananda: Recorded, with Reflections, by his disciple Swami Kriyananda Sri Sri … different ways to leave the body Does a soul choose its [Parents] [Moral Injury] [Soulmates]
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