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!Other {TOC} !!Table of contents Automatically generated table of contents can be inserted with ^{TOC} (see demo on the right). It can be used in both pages and templates. !!Characters Some sequences of characters are automatically replaced: * Arrows : <^-- : <--, ^--> : -->, <^--> : <--> * Dash : ^-- : -- * Copyrights : ^(c) or ^(C) : (c), ^(r) or ^(R) : (r) !!Code Code syntax is useful when you need to keep original spacing and layout of text, especially for programming source code. ^{{import sys if len(sys.argv) == 2: print "Hello",sys.argv^[1]}} does: {{import sys if len(sys.argv) == 2: print "Hello",sys.argv[1]}} We also have a [plugin for syntax highlighting|UserGuide: SyntaxHighlighter plugin]. !!Horizontal line ---- by '''^--^--''' !!Suppressing wiki syntax By using ^^ character before syntax keyword or using ^{{something}}. If you still don't know how, take a look on wiki code of this page, there are plenty of examples. If you want to insert ^^ character, you have to double it, i.e. ^^^^ !!HTML code Do you want to insert youtube video to your site? Or any other HTML code? Just insert it between ^{html}some html code{/html}. This does not have to work if config value $NO_HTML is set to true. Note that it is serious security risk if you allow users to post HTML code in your wiki. !!!HTML entities HTML entities are automatically recognized and left without modification. !!Newline LionWiki joins adjacent newlines together, if you need more than one newline, use ^{br}. !!Internal comments You can insert internal comments not intended to be displayed using HTML-like syntax <!^-- text not intended to be displayed ^--> {tags:syntax} source :
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