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!Text styles ^''^'Bold^''^' --> '''Bold''' (three apostrophes) ^''Italic^'' --> ''Italic'' (two apostrophes) ^''^''^'Bold and italic^''^''^' --> '''''Bold and italic''''' (five apostrophes) ^'--Strikethrough--' --> '--Strikethrough--' ^'__Underlined__' --> '__Underlined__' ^{small}Small text^{/small} --> {small}Small text{/small} x^{sup}10^{/sup} --> x{sup}10{/sup} x^{sub}i^{/sub} --> x{sub}i{/sub} !!CSS styles, classes, IDs {{{.first.second#id color: blue; font-size: large}Styled text span with ID and two classes{/} }} {.first.second#id color: blue; font-size: large}Styled text span with ID and two classes{/} Classes begins with dot, ID with hash sign. Everything after first space is considered to be CSS style, so there can't be any space between or inside classes and ID. Few other possibilities: {{{. display: block;}Text{/} - neither class, nor id, just style {.citation}Text{/if} - just class}} The enclosing element is <span>.
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