Mel Robbins

This revision is from 2022/11/30 11:16. You can Restore it.

This text will improve relationship - RAQ what can I do to be a better Partner or Friend to you ?

What do you want your life to look like?

Three major Truths about Life … moving house after 25 years where kids were raised

  1. what makes a house a home are the People in it
  2. the thing that creates meaning is experience vs stuff
  3. spend your time with people that you live doing things that you love

You are not a procrastinator … you have a habit of procrastination… big difference …

You do a number of amazing things Daily

Whenever you want to Change Life - expect 2 things

  1. expect no support … from Friends and Family
  2. ignore criticism

Three things to come to terms with

  1. if they wanted to - they would
  2. no response is a response
  3. not everyone has the same goals or values or hurt - as you do

Tags: People