Ethan Mollick

This revision is from 2022/12/09 12:18. You can Restore it.

The Mechanical Professor - - I take a job I know well, and try to see how far I can automate it with AI ... I am usually pretty hesitant to make technology predictions, but I think that this is going to change our world much sooner than we expect, and much more drastically. Rather than automating jobs that are repetitive & dangerous, there is now the prospect that the first jobs that are disrupted by AI will be more analytic; creative; and involve more writing and communication ...

How to... make people happy - - Four easy things you can do to make people happier, and why you don't do them.

  1. Express gratitude more
  2. Give more genuine compliments to people you know
  3. Don’t feel awkward about offering to help, even if you can’t solve the problem
  4. Reach out to some old contacts and say “hi”

Tags: People