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ஆரோக்கியமான, மகிழ்ச்சியான வாழ்க்கைக்கு காரத்தன்மை, அமிலத்தன்மை சமநிலை ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4X8sZN_zqyU
The pH scale
On a scale of negative 4.5 to positive 9.5, when you have a pH level of 7.0 or above, your body is healthy. Your body always tries to maintain an equilibrium at pH of 7.365, which is slightly alkaline.
Daily foods that are acidic in nature : Animal protein, wheat, gluten, dairy, refined and processed sugars are all high acidifying foods. Common substances like coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco are also acidic in nature.
To find a healthy lifestyle balance, your diet should consist of 80 per cent alkaline forming foods and 20 per cent acid forming foods.
Alkaline foods : The list includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, herbal teas, seeds, green juice, melons, lemons and seeds are some of the best alkaline foods.
With our busy schedules and no extra time in hands, we all often end up eating processed food that are too acidic in nature due to their high sugar content. To help you with this, here is a simple tip by nutritionist Luke Coutinho that will help your alkaline your body in just 2 minutes.
The simple exercise : Put one hand on the tummy and one on the chest. Now when you inhale, your tummy should inflate and when you exhale, the opposite happens. You can start by 4 seconds of deep inhale, 4 seconds of hold and 6 seconds of exhaling. You can do it for five minutes a day to alkalise your body.
ரெய்க்கி சிகிச்சை திரு நாகலிங்கம்|REIKI HEALING MR NAGALINGAM ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBYvM9v0c8k&t=74s
மலர் மருத்துவம் எனும் மனமருத்துவம் திரு நாகலிங்கம்| Flower remedy Mr Nagalingam Part 01 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qaxlg2a0N6s - Ego - Edging God Out - The Disease is the end result of our Thoughts -
திரு. நாகலிங்கம் ஐயா
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