Aswath Damodaran

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Aswath Damodaran is the ‘Dean of Valuation.’ For almost four decades, he has been teaching valuation at NYU. He also teaches millions of people online. Here are 7 Key Valuation Lessons from Aswath Damodaran👇🏼 (+PDF of his Class Presentation)

  1. The Bermuda Triangle of Valuation
    1. Perception of Value Beforehand:
    2. Thinking of Valuation as a Science:
    3. Thinking Complex Models are Superior:
  2. Number People vs. Story People
  3. The Story Part
  4. The 3 P’s
    1. Possible
    2. Plausible
    3. Probable
  5. Don’t get lost in Detail
  6. Soft Factors
  7. Valuation vs. Pricing

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