Asha Nayaswami

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Nayaswami Asha has been a spiritual seeker since she was a young girl. In 1969 at Stanford University, she heard Swami Kriyananda speak for the first time. Instantly, she recognized him as her spiritual teacher. “I knew the moment he walked into the room that he possessed the consciousness I had long been seeking.”

Via: Nice is Nice but #TRUTH is #POWER #authenticity #spiritualpath #helpful #wisdom #courage - -

  1. The spiritual path isn't about being nice
  2. it's about living authentically and according to Truth and divine guidance.
  3. Have the courage to follow your inner truth and live a life of harmony and support.
  4. Not just Respectability and how you ought to behave as per Society
  5. Follow what your Karma demands and that must be the standard

Tags: People, Seeker