
Artificial Intelligence is Intelligence exhibited by non biological systems

  1. Narrow AI - ability to accomplish a narrow set of goals - one will classify cat pictures and cannot play Chess
  2. Artificial General Intelligence aka Strong AI - human level intelligence ..
  3. Symbolic AI - rules and deterministic programs - Software that automates tasks ... SAP
  4. Probabilistic Machine Learning show examples without being explicitly programmed - show pictures of dogs and cats ...
    1. Training >> a) Training Data b) Machine Learning c) Model
    2. Inference >> a) New Data b) Model c) Prediction
  5. Business AI

Statistical Approach to AI

  1. Supervised Learning - Training the model with labelled examples - Regression / Classification
  2. Unsupervised Learning - Clustering
  3. Reinforcement Learning - Based on actions, rewarded or punished - AlphaGo

Self-supervised AI - derivative of Supervised Learning - label is in the structure ...

Generative Artificial Intelligence

Michael Polanyi We know more than we can tell - Explicit vs Tacit Knowledge

Elon Musk AI is far more dangerous than nukes …

Open Source AI Is the Path Forward - - By Mark Zuckerberg

Generative AI for Beginners - - A 12 Lesson course teaching everything you need to know to start building Generative AI applications

Stable Diffusion is a really big deal -

What happens when you ask an AI to generate "Human Evolution." - This is terrifying -

America India

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