Apple - The definitive list of good and bad apples.
We Are Living in a Golden Age of Apples - - Apple experts divide time into “before Honeycrisp” and “after Honeycrisp,” and apples have never tasted so good
Apple Photos phones home on iOS 18 and macOS 15 -
- Remember this advertisement? "What happens on your iPhone, stays on your iPhone."
- That was demonstrably a lie.
- On macOS, I can usually prevent Apple software from phoning home by using Little Snitch.
- Unfortunately, Apple doesn't allow anything like Little Snitch on iOS. Allegedly, the iOS restrictions are to protect the privacy and security of users, but I feel the opposite, that Apple is actively preventing us from protecting ourselves.
- Steve Jobs
- Mac Studio
- Mitchell Hashimoto for the "My Key to Success"
- Timothy R. Butler
And Aloe Vera