Balaji Srinivasan

“The Anthology of Balaji by Eric Jorgenson”

  1. The Goal is to advance Technology.
  2. Technology is the driving force of History.
  3. From centralized to decentralized
  4. The Blockchain Disruption
  5. Scientific Truth: If it’s not independently reproducible, it’s not science.
  6. You are what you see: If you are what you eat, then you think what you see.
  7. How Media Gets Us to Mars: You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to post supporting them. We should be rational optimist and support the great works of Elon Musk
  8. Creating Pre-Narrative News: An “important feed” will be very different from the “news feed.” What is important often is not new, and what is new often is not important.
  9. Bad Leaders Divide, Great Leaders Create: socialist < nationalist < capitalist < technologist. The highest level of leadership is technology leadership.
  10. Startup Engineering: These seven stages are like a map for making ideas into reality:
  11. Hire people who are hungry and can teach us something. When you and your team have strengths in different areas, there is an ongoing trade of knowledge.
  12. The Productivity Playbook: Write out your goals. By writing out your goals, you prevent a random walk through life. So many people just wander through life.
  13. Bonus: Learning to Learn Well

Tags: People