- Body of an athlete.
- Mind of a philosopher.
- Spirit of a warrior.
- Heart of an artist.
That’s the ultimate balance.
There’s no such thing as Work-Life balance because the right work — the kind that stokes the fire in your chest, wakes you up in the morning with ambition and passion, demands you of your best — will tip your life out of balance in the most chaotic yet happiest way possible
Why I left Google: work-life balance -
So why was I unhappy?
Somebody once described balance to me as three buckets filled with water. One for career, a second for physical health, and a third for social and family life. At any point, one bucket might be running low. But as long as the overall water level is high enough, things should be fine.
Importantly: the water represents your level of satisfaction, not the hours you spend.
For a good programmer, not being able to ship code is exhausting.
"By mid-2021 I was tired all the time. I know I wasn’t alone, because it was an ongoing meme inside Google."
What is Googliness?
Being-Doing Balance over Work-Life Balance -