Barbara O’Neill

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The woman who heals what doctors can't: Barbara O’Neill. This 71-year-old naturopath says true healing comes from nature, not drugs. Here are her 9 essential laws for optimal health and longevity:

  1. Sun
  2. Water - True hydration: Water + Celtic Sea Salt (CSS) CSS contains magnesium chloride, bromide, and sulphate. Mucous membranes absorb the minerals from CSS and take it to the cell. Once you drink water, those minerals pull the water inside the cell.
  3. Sleep - Because during sleep, Pineal Gland releases these hormones:
    1. Serotonin (mood hormone)
    2. Epithalamin (increases learning capacity)
    3. Melatonin (fix and rejuvenation hormone)
    4. Arginine vasotocin (puts you in deep sleep)
  4. Trust in God
  5. Abstain
    1. Refined sugar
    2. Caffeine
    3. Alcohol
    4. Tobacco
    5. Drugs
    6. Herbicides
    7. Insecticides
    8. Mould
  6. Inhale - The presence of oxygen is the absence of disease.
  7. Nutrition - Barbara follows a high-fiber, alkaline-focused diet rich in legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds
  8. Moderation
  9. Exercise

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