
Father Daughter love❤️#cutegirl #father#daughter #love#fatherdaughterlove #fatherdaughter#motivation -

If you struggle to have patience with your kids... You will scar them with harsh words and overreactions 5 ways to get it under control...(the last one is powerful) 🧵 - What you say to your kids turns into their inner voice - A harsh word or put down because you're frustrated can have a long term effect - Trust me, we've all been there as parents, no one is perfect - Here are some mindset resets to help you...

  1. Reframe from negative to positive - Change HAVE TO into GET TO - I GET TO feed them, play with them, drive them around, read to them, put them to sleep. They rely on you for everything when young and as they get older they rely on you for guidance and counsel
  2. Gratitude - You must have a foundation of gratitude for your children. They are a blessing. Young souls for you to steward and watch over and train. They LOVE you! How you parent either builds that love and bond or weakens it.
  3. Perspective Shift - Put yourself in their shoes and viewpoint How would you, as a child, view YOUR parenting? Do you feel loved, respected, cherished, valued? Or is it confusing, demeaning, frustrating?
  4. Video Recording Exercise - Pretend there are cameras recording all day in your home Would you be proud of yourself if you had to watch it at the end of every day? Are you seeing yourself lash out, yell, get impatient often?
  5. Legacy - Your children will grow up one day. And carry on (or shun) the legacy you have imprinted upon them. What will they say as they put you in the ground? As they talk to their children about you?

Three lessons from a 67 year old Dad and Pops

  1. "Victor or victim and you can't be both"
  2. "Doc you see me 15 minutes a year!" - Take charge of your Health
  3. Win at what truly matters — My dad gave me PRESENCE not presents.
  4. Bonus - Win the next minute - you do not need to solve everything at once, just win the next minute

Tags: Goal