
Discipline is the strongest form of self-love. https://x.com/TheConquerMM/status/1818554712972485043

  1. Spend at least 10 minutes a day visualising your life - Life gets overwhelming. Spend time alone and;
    1. Go back in time
    2. Evaluate progress
    3. Create new plans and strategies
  2. Spend at least 100 minutes reading daily
  3. Go out in nature
  4. Eat clean
  5. Stay fit
  6. Avoid useless information - Connectedness is a curse - What you consume determines who you're.
    1. Toxic news
    2. Toxic music
    3. Toxic books
  7. Avoid toxic habits, environments and people
  8. Have friends to support you
  9. Delay gratification - Your plans will work, not today, tomorrow, but eventually. Focus on action and progress.
  10. Free writing - You'll need to work on yourself and ideas daily; This will make your ideas clearer.
    1. Write what you’ve done
    2. What you need to do
    3. What's possible now
  11. Start businesses, make money and invest in assets - The more you make, the more you can invest. The more you invest, the higher your perceived value.

Multiple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbY9e6ww13A Consistency

Jackie Chan … one rice … https://youtube.com/shorts/2PTs9cuIv4U

Jay Shettyhttps://youtube.com/shorts/o5VZlUFXY08

Hack to become disciplined https://youtube.com/shorts/ha97w7Chnwo

Sudha Murty : by School or College or pay a heavy price later … https://youtube.com/shorts/k9VZtexChfM

Screw Motivation, what you need is discipline. - https://www.wisdomination.com/screw-motivation-what-you-need-is-discipline/

Tags: KIV