Dominic Frisby

Dominic Frisby is a British author, comedian and voice over artist. He is best known as co-host of television programme Money Pit

Via: My accidental journey to a six-pack. - 12 habits to transform your health.

  1. Fast - Do the 5:2 diet
  2. Avoid Seed Oils
  3. Dead Hangs - WOW - I think these might have been the transformer, as I’ve only been doing them a few months. Get a pull-up bar & hang from it. At first, you will only be able to hang for a bit, but keep hanging every day so that eventually you can hang for 2 minutes.
  4. Get a Whoop
  5. Have a partner you want to look good for —- I think Family
  6. Cider vinegar
  7. Supplements
  8. Water
  9. Exercise
  10. Two meals a day
  11. 15 Minutes of Sun
  12. Count Calories

Bonus -> A Bruce-y Bonus. Learn to stand up from the ground without using your hands


Tags: People