Liz Moody

100 Ways to Change Your Life: The Science of Leveling Up Health, Happiness, Relationships & Success

  1. Above all, Suffer less
  2. Do N-of-1 experiments
  3. Think about your Death
  4. Figure out your Why
  5. Utilise the fresh start effect
  6. Set bite sized milestones
  7. Use a Success framework
  8. Try Temptation Bundling
  9. Take a Circ Walk
  10. Establish a morning ritual
  11. Identify your Chrono type
  12. Get your phone out of your bedroom
  13. Create metabolically optimized meals
  14. Do micro workouts for mega benefits
  15. Establish and stick to better boundaries
  16. Activate your body’s natural glucose sponges
  17. Eliminate sources of Decision Fatigue
  18. Take a cold shower
  19. Create a rule of three
  20. Recognise the value and of your Time
  21. Map your day to your energy
  22. Overcome Procrastination
  23. Artificially limit your Time
  24. Direct your Focus the way you want to
  25. Just Start
  26. Gesture and Fidget more
  27. Do Nothing ( with intention )
  28. Run into Aha Moment
  29. Get in Motion
  30. Identify your Financial Dreams
  31. Amp up your Charisma
  32. Start an Advice Club
  33. Identify your Unique Gifts
  34. Overcome Imposter Syndrome
  35. User Neuro Science to bring your Dreams to life
  36. Never be the one to say no to yourself
  37. Keep a Promise to yourself
  38. Eliminate Jealousy
  39. Make a Personal Bill of Rights
  40. Build Belief in Yourself
  41. Unlock the hidden information in your Emotions
  42. Learn to love your Body
  43. Make your schedule match your values
  44. Build Tolerance for Hard Things
  45. Rewire your neural pathways for happiness
  46. Do something for someone else
  47. Fill your life with Joy
  48. Make a "Life never Boring" List
  49. Attract your Dream Friends
  50. Take advantage of the mere exposure effect
  51. Be a Fun Magnet
  52. Practice habitual open mindedness
  53. Become a winning conversationalist
  54. Deepen your existing Friendships
  55. Be the CEO of your house hold
  56. Establish your rules for Fighting
  57. Take your Sex level to the next level
  58. Let the Loved ones surprise you
  59. Eat 30 types of plants per week
  60. Cook and cool your carbs
  61. Incorporate more fermented foods
  62. Get Dirty
  63. Don't unnecessarily eliminate foods
  64. Feed your good Gut Bacteria
  65. Eliminate Bloating and Constipation
  66. Reframe Stress Relief
  67. Maximize the amount of nutrients per bite
  68. Floss ( and Tongue Scrape )
  69. Stop Snoring
  70. Upgrade the foods you are already eating
  71. Challenge limiting ageing beliefs
  72. Reassess your relationship with Alcohol
  73. Set a News Boundary
  74. Do a Life Admin Day
  75. Meditate - but for less time than you think
  76. Use Action as the Antidote for Anxiety
  77. Stop letting Fear control your relationship with Money
  78. Limit the physical causes of Anxiety
  79. Try a breath work practice
  80. Have post work ritual
  81. Give your Brain a bath
  82. Take an at-home silent retreat
  83. Utilize the healing power of Nature
  84. Practice cognitive off-loading
  85. Create a Failure Resume
  86. Tap into the intelligence of your body
  87. Practice decisiveness
  88. Get specific with your emotions
  89. Have no Regrets when you die
  90. Reframe negative emotions
  91. Create a Mental Health Check List
  92. Remind yourself of your resilience
  93. Make an Accomplishments List
  94. Use your present relationships to heal your child hood wounds
  95. Create your own sense of Safety and Security
  96. Get Unstuck
  97. Fight back against the Fairy Tale
  98. Get to the root of low libido
  99. Reduce your Pain
  100. Take the Risk

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