Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement
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“MUST READ AUTHORS/BOOKS” – recommended by Patriji -
18 Guiding Principles
- Meditate
- Read right spiritual Books .. i.e., Books by Osho, Lobsang Rampa, Castaneda, Jane Roberts, Annie Besant, Linda Goodman, Deepak Chopra, Sylvia Browne, Torkom Saraydarian, Yogananda Paramahamsa etc., etc.
- Exchange meditational / spiritual experiences with everyone who is interested.
- Spend much time every day in silence; worldly gossip is absolutely forbidden.
- Utilize full-moon nights for intensive meditation.
- Utilize Pyramid Energy for Meditation, as much as possible.
- Give-up psychological dependence on medicines .. only meditational energy heals.
- No meat .. no fish .. no eggs. Be vegetarian. Eat according only to need.
- Spend much time in pure nature .. e.g., forests, meadows, river banks and mountains etc.
- No ‘ spiritual ’ clothing .. no ‘ sacred ’ body-marks .. no rituals.
- Impart meditation training to children, right from their early child-hood.
- Learn to live as masters and never as disciples.
- Reject money exchanges in meditation-training programs.
- No worship of idols ; no worship of Living Masters.
- Overcome personal problems using own meditational strength.
- Enjoy normal family lives .. no sanyasa or renunciation.
- Establish Pyramid Meditation Centers in all villages, towns and cities.
- Publish meditational experiences and personal spiritual transformation.